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Academic & Science Abbreviations

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12483 Abbreviations & Definitions of Acronyms Academic & Science in category Academic & Science

Browse All Abbreviation related to the Acronym Academic & Science. All abbreviations on this page are QAP means Qualified Academic Program, QAP means Qualified Academic Programs, QAPO means Quality Academic Planning Office, QAT means Queensland Academy of Technology, QAW means Qatar Academy Al Wakra, QB means Question Bank, QBA means Quality Business Academy, QBCP means Quadratic Band Crossing Point, QBD means Question Based Discussion, QBM-O means Quadruple Base Mechanism of Creation (QBM-O) - The GOD'S Heart of Mathematical Operating System of Creation that resides deep into the PSO-R Matrix Operator of the Mathematical Principles & Scientific Laws of GOD'S Creation of the Cosmos & the Universe & all life in both the Cosmos & the Universe! Critically, GOD’S Four (4) Creation Mathematics Parameters (CMP’s): Direction, Intensity, Degree & Objectivity: the 4 Basic Creation Mathematical Operators can work/process ONLY via QBM-O right into the heart of too complex operating system of vector matrix-based Relativity Field & Quantum Field Inter-actions in & among these three (3) Vector Distribution Functions of Biological System of Creation – which are unified in GOD’S Quadruple Base Mechanism (QBM) of delicate Balance & Equilibrium Hyperdensity Matrix Field of Energy Interactions @ 4kT! [That is why there are 4 Bio-Thermodynamic Laws and not only three (3) & are integrated by QBM-O w/ the 5th Law of Bio-eco-Thermodynamics: the Z, QBN means Quality Broadcasting Network, QBS means Quantitative Biomedical Sciences, QCE means Queensland Certificate of Education, QCF means Qualifications and Credits Framework, QCLD means Qualquer Coisa Lá Dentro, QCML means Quality Control Markup Language, QCRSHS means Quezon City Regional Science High School, QDA means Quaker Digital Academy, QEA means Quality Education Academy, QED means Quantum Entanglement Device,

QAPQualified Academic Program. List Of QAP
QAPQualified Academic Programs. List Of QAP
QAPOQuality Academic Planning Office. List Of QAPO
QATQueensland Academy of Technology. List Of QAT
QAWQatar Academy Al Wakra. List Of QAW
QBQuestion Bank. List Of QB
QBAQuality Business Academy. List Of QBA
QBCPQuadratic Band Crossing Point. List Of QBCP
QBDQuestion Based Discussion. List Of QBD
QBM-OQuadruple Base Mechanism of Creation (QBM-O) - The GOD'S Heart of Mathematical Operating System of Creation that resides deep into the PSO-R Matrix Operator of the Mathematical Principles & Scientific Laws of GOD'S Creation of the Cosmos & the Universe & all life in both the Cosmos & the Universe! Critically, GOD’S Four (4) Creation Mathematics Parameters (CMP’s): Direction, Intensity, Degree & Objectivity: the 4 Basic Creation Mathematical Operators can work/process ONLY via QBM-O right into the heart of too complex operating system of vector matrix-based Relativity Field & Quantum Field Inter-actions in & among these three (3) Vector Distribution Functions of Biological System of Creation – which are unified in GOD’S Quadruple Base Mechanism (QBM) of delicate Balance & Equilibrium Hyperdensity Matrix Field of Energy Interactions @ 4kT! [That is why there are 4 Bio-Thermodynamic Laws and not only three (3) & are integrated by QBM-O w/ the 5th Law of Bio-eco-Thermodynamics: the Z. List Of QBM-O
QBNQuality Broadcasting Network. List Of QBN
QBSQuantitative Biomedical Sciences. List Of QBS
QCEQueensland Certificate of Education. List Of QCE
QCFQualifications and Credits Framework. List Of QCF
QCLDQualquer Coisa Lá Dentro. List Of QCLD
QCMLQuality Control Markup Language. List Of QCML
QCRSHSQuezon City Regional Science High School. List Of QCRSHS
QDAQuaker Digital Academy. List Of QDA
QEAQuality Education Academy. List Of QEA
QEDQuantum Entanglement Device. List Of QED

Some Questions about acronyms:

What is an acronym?

An acronym is a word or phrase made up of the first letters of a series of words, with the first letter of each word capitalized.

What are some examples of acronyms in "Academic & Science"?


How are acronyms created?

Acronyms are created by taking the first letter of each word in a phrase and combining them to spell a word (for example, the acronym "radar" is created from the phrase "radio detecting and ranging").

How are acronyms different from initialism?

Acronyms are different from initialism in that they are pronounced as words. For example, AIDS is an acronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

What is the difference between an acronym and an abbreviation?

An acronym is an abbreviation that is pronounced as a word, such as NASA. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word, such as Mr. for Mister.

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