Abbreviation list L
Welcome to exploration of acronyms and abbreviations list that start with the L! There are 46928 of them, so let's get started!
The List Of Abbreviations Starting with l
L L & D L & P L DE C L M Ericsson L&A L&C L&D L&E L&F L&FI L&G L&H L&L L&N L&NE L&R L&RS L&S L&T L&T COMPANY L&W L'1st L'ART DÉCO L,R L-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 L-5 L-A L-Band L-Cle L-DOPA L-HOUR L-L L-P L-RERP L-TE l. L.A. L.A.V. L.A.W.BBS L.B.S. L.E.M. L.H.D L.I.N.C. L.Mus.,A. L.O.H. L.S. L.S.A. L.V.O. L/A L/C L/D L/DAY L/G L/H L/L L/M L/MIN L/O L/P L/S L/S RATIO L/SEC L/T L/W W L1 L1 - L5 L10N L1M L2 L2B L2BL L2D L2E L2F L2K L2L L2L L2L L2M L2P L2TP L2TPv3 L3 L3C L3TV L3U L4 L4/5 L41 L4D L4D2 L4F L4L L5-S1 L52 L57 L70ETC