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Research Abbreviations
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Browse All Abbreviation related to the Acronym Research. All abbreviations on this page are VERG means Virtual Experiences Research Group, VERL means Virtual Education and Research Laboratory, VERO means Volunteer Education and Research Outreach, VERU means Vision and Eye Research Unit, VF-MCA means Vector Freedom of Matrix Creativity Attribute: This is one of the key-mathematical operating principles of [“Mathematical Innate Connectivity Grouping Mechanics of Field Transformation (MiCGM-FT)â€] that is designed by the Creator GOD to 'internally' create mathematical balance & scientific equilibrium in controlling & bringing up into the dynamics of "ability/capability" in the mathematical vector of "human skills" yet so-called mathematically connected to so-called: “Asymptotic Freedom based on Cosmic 1.5 Reconstructive Balance Creativity Attribute†- such "ability/capability" is of the highest creativity function & structure vector dynamics mechanism (cFS-VDM) placed at center of QBM (Quadruple Base Mechanism) in all natural phenomena of creation's "laws of nature" [not of the kind of 'robot'] deeply connected at the core-heart of "human accountability & responsibility in every human act potential" in the mathematical creation of H, VIDO-InterVac means Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre, VIGR means Virtual Institute of Genealogical Research, VIMSAR means VSS Institute of Medical Sciences And Research, VIPER means Voice Inclusion Participation Empowerment and Research, VIPER means Voice Inclusion Participation Empowerment Research, VIPR means Vehicle Integrated Propulsion Research, VIRG means Vanderbilt Institutional Research Group, VIRS means Visiting International Research Students, VITTBI means VIT Technology Business Incubator, VLRCOE means Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence (Pennsylvania State University), VMRC means Vegetation Management Research Cooperative, VMRD means Veterinary Medicine Research and Development, VMRD means Veterinary Medical Research and Development, VMRD means Veterinary Medicine Research Development, VMRI means Veterinary Medical Research Institute,
Abbreviations | Definition | More |
VERG | Virtual Experiences Research Group. | List Of VERG |
VERL | Virtual Education and Research Laboratory. | List Of VERL |
VERO | Volunteer Education and Research Outreach. | List Of VERO |
VERU | Vision and Eye Research Unit. | List Of VERU |
VF-MCA | Vector Freedom of Matrix Creativity Attribute: This is one of the key-mathematical operating principles of [“Mathematical Innate Connectivity Grouping Mechanics of Field Transformation (MiCGM-FT)â€] that is designed by the Creator GOD to 'internally' create mathematical balance & scientific equilibrium in controlling & bringing up into the dynamics of "ability/capability" in the mathematical vector of "human skills" yet so-called mathematically connected to so-called: “Asymptotic Freedom based on Cosmic 1.5 Reconstructive Balance Creativity Attribute†- such "ability/capability" is of the highest creativity function & structure vector dynamics mechanism (cFS-VDM) placed at center of QBM (Quadruple Base Mechanism) in all natural phenomena of creation's "laws of nature" [not of the kind of 'robot'] deeply connected at the core-heart of "human accountability & responsibility in every human act potential" in the mathematical creation of H. | List Of VF-MCA |
VIDO-InterVac | Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre. | List Of VIDO-InterVac |
VIGR | Virtual Institute of Genealogical Research. | List Of VIGR |
VIMSAR | VSS Institute of Medical Sciences And Research. | List Of VIMSAR |
VIPER | Voice Inclusion Participation Empowerment and Research. | List Of VIPER |
VIPER | Voice Inclusion Participation Empowerment Research. | List Of VIPER |
VIPR | Vehicle Integrated Propulsion Research. | List Of VIPR |
VIRG | Vanderbilt Institutional Research Group. | List Of VIRG |
VIRS | Visiting International Research Students. | List Of VIRS |
VITTBI | VIT Technology Business Incubator. | List Of VITTBI |
VLRCOE | Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence (Pennsylvania State University). | List Of VLRCOE |
VMRC | Vegetation Management Research Cooperative. | List Of VMRC |
VMRD | Veterinary Medicine Research and Development. | List Of VMRD |
VMRD | Veterinary Medical Research and Development. | List Of VMRD |
VMRD | Veterinary Medicine Research Development. | List Of VMRD |
VMRI | Veterinary Medical Research Institute. | List Of VMRI |
Some Questions about acronyms:
What is an acronym?
An acronym is a word or phrase made up of the first letters of a series of words, with the first letter of each word capitalized.
What are some examples of acronyms in "Research"?
How are acronyms created?
Acronyms are created by taking the first letter of each word in a phrase and combining them to spell a word (for example, the acronym "radar" is created from the phrase "radio detecting and ranging").
How are acronyms different from initialism?
Acronyms are different from initialism in that they are pronounced as words. For example, AIDS is an acronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
What is the difference between an acronym and an abbreviation?
An acronym is an abbreviation that is pronounced as a word, such as NASA. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word, such as Mr. for Mister.
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