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Law & Legal Abbreviations

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11242 Abbreviations & Definitions of Acronyms Law & Legal in category Governmental

Browse All Abbreviation related to the Acronym Law & Legal. All abbreviations on this page are GBL means By Laws, GBLD means Global Banking Law Database, GBtZ means Go Back to Zero (GBtZ) - An exclusive 'creation' based mathematical & scientific relativity expression and/or statement of human faith to & in "laws of nature" that strongly suggests each natural phenomenon in/of all natural phenomena existing everything with & of life: human being being, Earth, mountains, flowers, plants, seas, sky, animals, birds, etc., are a direct manifest of of "simplicity of natural fundamentals of life, laws of life, that strongly suggest there is purpose in all this manifestation of existence of natural mathematical laws that work into the natural phenomena of life deeply working in the balance, & equilibrium of Zero - subtly embracing both the infinity and finity of mathematical creation of the Cosmos & the Universe & all life in both & which very strongly [further] suggests that, mathematically, the 4 Laws of Thermodynamics make it possible to create 'life' because there is the 5th Law: that is the Zero Law of Mathematical Thermodynamics of Li, GC means Grandfather Clause, GC means Guest's Copyright, GC means Grasp Corpus, GC means Gay Criminal, GCB means Global Corruption Barometer, GCC means Gas Chamber Crew, GCC means General Chiropractic Council, GCC means General Coordinating Committee, GCCA means Georgia Council of Court Administrators, GCCT means Georgia Court Competency Test, GCCT-MSH means Georgia Court Competency Test - Mississippi State Hospital, GCFR means Grand Criminal Of The Federal Republic, GCIC means Georgia Crime Information Center, GCIC means Georgia Crime Investigation Center, GCIF means Grupo Conjunto de Inteligencia Fronteriza, GCK means Good Clean Killing, GCLAHR means Global Council for Law Arbitration and Human Rights,

GBLBy Laws. List Of GBL
GBLDGlobal Banking Law Database. List Of GBLD
GBtZGo Back to Zero (GBtZ) - An exclusive 'creation' based mathematical & scientific relativity expression and/or statement of human faith to & in "laws of nature" that strongly suggests each natural phenomenon in/of all natural phenomena existing everything with & of life: human being being, Earth, mountains, flowers, plants, seas, sky, animals, birds, etc., are a direct manifest of of "simplicity of natural fundamentals of life, laws of life, that strongly suggest there is purpose in all this manifestation of existence of natural mathematical laws that work into the natural phenomena of life deeply working in the balance, & equilibrium of Zero - subtly embracing both the infinity and finity of mathematical creation of the Cosmos & the Universe & all life in both & which very strongly [further] suggests that, mathematically, the 4 Laws of Thermodynamics make it possible to create 'life' because there is the 5th Law: that is the Zero Law of Mathematical Thermodynamics of Li. List Of GBtZ
GCGrandfather Clause. List Of GC
GCGuest's Copyright. List Of GC
GCGrasp Corpus. List Of GC
GCGay Criminal. List Of GC
GCBGlobal Corruption Barometer. List Of GCB
GCCGas Chamber Crew. List Of GCC
GCCGeneral Chiropractic Council. List Of GCC
GCCGeneral Coordinating Committee. List Of GCC
GCCAGeorgia Council of Court Administrators. List Of GCCA
GCCTGeorgia Court Competency Test. List Of GCCT
GCCT-MSHGeorgia Court Competency Test - Mississippi State Hospital. List Of GCCT-MSH
GCFRGrand Criminal Of The Federal Republic. List Of GCFR
GCICGeorgia Crime Information Center. List Of GCIC
GCICGeorgia Crime Investigation Center. List Of GCIC
GCIFGrupo Conjunto de Inteligencia Fronteriza. List Of GCIF
GCKGood Clean Killing. List Of GCK
GCLAHRGlobal Council for Law Arbitration and Human Rights. List Of GCLAHR

Some Questions about acronyms:

What is an acronym?

An acronym is a word or phrase made up of the first letters of a series of words, with the first letter of each word capitalized.

What are some examples of acronyms in "Law & Legal"?


How are acronyms created?

Acronyms are created by taking the first letter of each word in a phrase and combining them to spell a word (for example, the acronym "radar" is created from the phrase "radio detecting and ranging").

How are acronyms different from initialism?

Acronyms are different from initialism in that they are pronounced as words. For example, AIDS is an acronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

What is the difference between an acronym and an abbreviation?

An acronym is an abbreviation that is pronounced as a word, such as NASA. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word, such as Mr. for Mister.

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