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Disability Abbreviations

Browse all acronyms and abbreviations related to the Disability terminology and jargon. Find out the meanings of commonly used terms in Disability. if you need to understand this terminology and jargon. Browse our comprehensive list of acronyms and abbreviations to demystify common terms used in Disability.

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1162 Abbreviations & Definitions of Acronyms Disability in category Medical

Browse All Abbreviation related to the Acronym Disability. All abbreviations on this page are VSDP means Virginia Sickness Disability Program, VSTD means Voluntary Short Term Disability, W means Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles A type of vehicle which has been converted to be able to easily carry a wheelchair passenger. These type of vehicles usually have a ramp at the rear or side. The wheelchair is secured in place by restraints and the passenger stays seated in the wheelchair during travel. WAVs are usually slightly larger than average cars, usually based on a van or minivan and have a lowered floor and some seats removed to give the wheelchair plenty of space. In the UK, WAV is the most common way to refer to a wheelchair vehicle, but they are also known as mobility cars or simply wheelchair vehicles. These vehicles are used by private individuals, healthcare organisations and goverment agencies and can be purchased or rented. In the UK the origanisation called Motability can provide WAVs to people at a fixed monthly cost, with payments assisted by the goverment. Private individuals and those not receving the benefit can hire or buy from used WAV dealers., W means A Widely Used Measure Of Symptoms And Physical Disability, WAWD means Working Adults With Disabilities, WBDA means West Berkshire Disability Alliance, WDAP means Westchester Disability Advocacy Partnership, WDES means Workforce Disability Equality Standard, WDQ means Whiplash Disability Questionnaire, WDSG means Worldwide Disability Solutions Group, WDVC means Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition, WEIS means Work Environment Impact Scale, WEMWBS means Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale, WIRED means Wirral Information Resource for Equality and Disability, WPD means Waiver of Premium Disability, WPD means Working People with Disabilities, WRI means Worker Role Interview, WYWD means Women and Youth With Disabilities, YADI means Young Adults Disability Inventory, YLD means Years lost due to disability,

VSDPVirginia Sickness Disability Program. List Of VSDP
VSTDVoluntary Short Term Disability. List Of VSTD
WWheelchair Accessible Vehicles A type of vehicle which has been converted to be able to easily carry a wheelchair passenger. These type of vehicles usually have a ramp at the rear or side. The wheelchair is secured in place by restraints and the passenger stays seated in the wheelchair during travel. WAVs are usually slightly larger than average cars, usually based on a van or minivan and have a lowered floor and some seats removed to give the wheelchair plenty of space. In the UK, WAV is the most common way to refer to a wheelchair vehicle, but they are also known as mobility cars or simply wheelchair vehicles. These vehicles are used by private individuals, healthcare organisations and goverment agencies and can be purchased or rented. In the UK the origanisation called Motability can provide WAVs to people at a fixed monthly cost, with payments assisted by the goverment. Private individuals and those not receving the benefit can hire or buy from used WAV dealers.. List Of W
WA Widely Used Measure Of Symptoms And Physical Disability. List Of W
WAWDWorking Adults With Disabilities. List Of WAWD
WBDAWest Berkshire Disability Alliance. List Of WBDA
WDAPWestchester Disability Advocacy Partnership. List Of WDAP
WDESWorkforce Disability Equality Standard. List Of WDES
WDQWhiplash Disability Questionnaire. List Of WDQ
WDSGWorldwide Disability Solutions Group. List Of WDSG
WDVCWisconsin Disability Vote Coalition. List Of WDVC
WEISWork Environment Impact Scale. List Of WEIS
WEMWBSWarwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale. List Of WEMWBS
WIREDWirral Information Resource for Equality and Disability. List Of WIRED
WPDWaiver of Premium Disability. List Of WPD
WPDWorking People with Disabilities. List Of WPD
WRIWorker Role Interview. List Of WRI
WYWDWomen and Youth With Disabilities. List Of WYWD
YADIYoung Adults Disability Inventory. List Of YADI
YLDYears lost due to disability. List Of YLD

Some Questions about acronyms:

What is an acronym?

An acronym is a word or phrase made up of the first letters of a series of words, with the first letter of each word capitalized.

What are some examples of acronyms in "Disability"?


How are acronyms created?

Acronyms are created by taking the first letter of each word in a phrase and combining them to spell a word (for example, the acronym "radar" is created from the phrase "radio detecting and ranging").

How are acronyms different from initialism?

Acronyms are different from initialism in that they are pronounced as words. For example, AIDS is an acronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

What is the difference between an acronym and an abbreviation?

An acronym is an abbreviation that is pronounced as a word, such as NASA. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word, such as Mr. for Mister.

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